Aue-Geest-Gymnasium Harsefeld
Brakenweg 2, 21698 Harsefeld

„Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde“ in the STADEUM

Michel­le Henße

On the 25th of Febru­ary 2014, we, the Eng­lish stu­dents from year 11, found our way to the ‘Sta­de­um’ in Sta­de to watch the per­for­med play „Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde“. Of cour­se the show was in Eng­lish so that ever­yo­ne could take advan­ta­ge of it. Not only we had to go the­re, but the ‘Sta­de­um’ was fil­led with a bunch of other students.

As the play began, we were left with the insight that the real evil was insi­de our­sel­ves. The play was about Dr. Jekyll, who was miss­ing, so that his fri­end, a lawy­er, tried to find him. Ins­tead of mee­ting his old fri­end, he met the mys­te­rious mur­de­rer Mr. Hyde who pre­ten­ded to be a good fri­end of Dr. Jekyll’s. At the end, Dr. Hen­ry Jekyll and the evil Mr. Edward Hyde tur­ned out to be the same per­son owing to one of Jekyll’s expe­ri­ments he used to car­ry out in his labo­ra­to­ry. The the­sis from the begin­ning was pro­ved in a lite­ral way, but it is easy to trans­mit it to our indi­vi­du­al lives.

The play con­tai­ned a lot of dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters who were all play­ed by only three actors. They used many masks and voices to imper­so­na­te every sin­gle per­son authen­ti­cal­ly con­tras­ted. And even though the majo­ri­ty of us did not read the book, the play was based on, the plot was good to under­stand, and all in all it was a wel­co­ming chan­ge in bet­ween our school life.